You are the Nurturer. You are the care taker of many who look to you for support and nurturement. You attract people, plants and/or animals to you who are in special need of love and care. Spirituality is very important to you. You draw on spiritual teachings, and look to God or the spirits for the energy that keeps you going. You often ask or pray for help and guidance. The demands on you are many and you often feel that you hardly have time to realize your own needs or emotions since you are always involved with the needs of others. The spirits encourage you to keep up the good work but warn against doing too much. There is no end to the needs and desires of others. Sometimes they really need your support and sometimes they are just being needy and demanding. The spirits encourage you to keep your spiritual faith and ask that you really try to take at least 30 minutes a day to yourself in quiet meditation -- whether this be formal meditation or a bubble bath, it makes no difference. You need to keep sight of yourself and nourish yourself in order to continue being a positive force for others and to prevent yourself from becoming drained.